Ahmet Büyükgümüş

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Ahmet Büyükgümüş


ICYF Board Member
Representing the International Youth Organizations

Ahmet Büyükgümüş was born on May 17, 1990. He completed his primary education in Yalova. Büyükgümüş graduated from Istanbul Social Sciences High School in 2009 and started his bachelor’s degree the Political Science Department of Galatasaray University in the same year as the 30th in Turkey in the ÖSYM-ÖSS exam.

After completing his undergraduate education as the first in the Department of Political Science at Galatasaray University in 2014, he received his Master’s degree from the Department of Sociology at Istanbul University with his thesis titled “Alexis de Tocqueville: His life, his thought, his political activities and his social science methodology”. During the same time, he also completed the Researcher Training Program of TDV Center for Islamic Studies.

Between 2016-2018, he continued his academic researches at SOAS University of London in England. He received his second Master’s degree from the SOAS International Politics Program with his thesis titled “Alliance Formation and Dissolution: The Debates on NATO After the Cold War”. Then he returned to Turkey and started his PhD at Galatasaray University, Department of Political Science. He participated in internship programs in Ankara, Cairo and Washington DC offices of SETA. He also worked as Yalova City Council Executive Board Member and Youth Assembly President between 2007-2014. During this period, he took part in projects especially for women, youth and the disabled people.

He served as a member of the Board of Directors of Istanbul provincial youth branches in Justice and Development Party (AK Party). He was elected as Youth Branches Chairman of the AK Party on 11 May 2018. Mr. Büyükgümüş is fluent in English and French, speaks Arabic. He is married to Reyyan Büyükgümüş since 2015.

Büyükgümüş is Deputy for Yalova, Member of Central Decision Making and Administrative Committee of AK Party, Vice Chairman of the Committee on Digital Channels, Member of Turkish Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

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  • 55 years ago