Tantan Taufik Lubis

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Tantan Taufik Lubis

Tantan Taufik Lubis

ICYF Vice-President
Representing the Asian Group

Tantan Taufiq Lubis has graduated from Islamic Boarding School of Al Mu’min and Jakarta University, Faculty of Politic and Social Sciences, Department of International Relations in 2002. Continuing his master’s program of CSR Management at Trisakti University IN 2009, he currently running his master in the field of Business Law at Al Azhar University.

He has been working at The House of Representative of The Republic Indonesia and Jakarta University, at The same time running business with his colleague in Indonesian chamber of commerce and industries since 2010. Head of Communication and Public Relation in Jakarta University, and Director Executive of Center for Islamic and Global Studies/ Centries

He is still working in various non govermental organization in the field of Social Entrepreneurship, political education, youth and sport development. He is currently a Chairman of Indonesia National Youth Council / NYC Indonesia, Deputy Chairperson on Standing Committe of Indonesian chamber of commerce and industries, Secretary of the Football Club, Head Advisory on OIC Youth Indonesia and Asian African Youth Government

In October 2018, Mr. Tantan was elected unanimously as the Vice President of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, an affiliated institution to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which has been established by the main national youth structures of the OIC member states and international youth NGOs.

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  • 55 years ago