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ICYF & OIC Youth Indonesia Host Successful Model OIC Simulation To Promote Multilateral Diplomacy Among Youths

A Model OIC simulation was jointly organized by ICYF and OIC Youth Indonesia at Mulawarman University in Samarinda City on July 10, 2023, on the sidelines of the OIC Cultural Activity held in Indonesia. Dr. Yunus Çolak, the ICYF Model OIC Coordinator, delivered a speech on behalf of the ICYF President at the program’s opening ceremony. Dr. Ir. H. Abdunnur, M.Si., IPU – Rector of Mulawarman University, Ms. Hasintya Saraswati, Advisor to the Minister of Youth and Sports of Indonesia, and Ms. Astrid Nadya Rizqita, the President of OIC Youth Indonesia, were in attendance and gave their opening remarks.

The delegates of the simulation participated from different OIC countries and exchanged their experiences and knowledge on multilateral diplomacy with their peers. Mr. Tantan Lubis, the ICYF Vice-President representing the Asian Group, handed certificates to the participants at the closing ceremony

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  • 55 years ago