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ICYF Welcomes the Centrality of Youth in Main Theme of the 44th Council of Foreign Ministers Conference in Abidjan

The Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) welcomes the issue of youth being chosen to be among main themes of the forthcoming 44th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM), which will be held in the Cote d’Ivoire capital, Abidjan, on 10-11 July 2017.

In fact, the chosen theme, “The Role of Youth, Peace and Development in a World in Solidarity”, is a testimony of the vital position placed by the OIC Member States on the capability and responsibility of young people to be the changing vector in their societies towards progress and development.

The ICYF, an OIC institution mandated to coordinate inter-governmental youth policies, understands well the important role of youth as critical part of the solution in the issues such as those related to overcoming underdevelopment of OIC Member States, countering terrorism, extremism and Islamophobia, as well as dramatically improving the situation of Muslim minorities suffering from gross human rights violations, particularly the Rohingyas in Myanmar.

Working for benefit of youth of Ummah, the ICYF, therefore, congratulates the 44th CFM Host Country and the OIC General Secretariat for giving required prominence to the majority of the OIC geography population, as they are also part of the main victims in the unfortunate long-standing conflicts, particularly in Palestine, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

Based on relevant mandate entrusted to it by the OIC Member States at the appropriate Ministerial Meetings, the ICYF, in this regard, remains ready to continue working for betterment of the youth in all important fields, including economic, cultural, and social, science and technology, as well as in implementing the OIC-2025 Ten-Year Programme of Action, specifically through the Joint Youth Action Plan adopted by the 3rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers (ICYSM), held in Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey, on 05-07 October 2016.

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  • 55 years ago